Sunday, 5 April 2015

My 3rd Blog-iversary!!!

Well, much to my surprise I realized that today marks
the 3rd year of my adventures in blogging!

The bunny on the left was featured in my very first blog post.... 
the mouse on the right was featured about a week later.

                           "Springtime Joys"                                              "Springtime Joys Too"

When I was switching out my Winter themed home decor/paintings
for lighter Spring-ier designs I went through the paintings my Mom 
had made for me over the past several years and selected this one:

My Mom painted this for my birthday 2 years ago.
She chose the following Bible verse to go with it:

"The flowers appear on the earth... 
The time of singing has come."
Song of Solomon 2:12

Look at what Mom wrote on the back of the painting:

"The Joy of Spring"
The Lord gives nature a time to brush away the old and start fresh

We both loved the transition Seasons - Spring and Fall.
We both readily used the word 'Joy' to describe our feelings toward Spring.

I love that!!

I hope you all feel the need to smile as you experience the joy of Spring!
The warm sun, the brightening colours outdoors, the birds singing!!
Many blessings, many joys surround each one of us!
Open your eyes to them, thank God for them,
be filled with joy!!
