Saturday, 2 February 2013

Happy Groundhog Day!!

    Well, it's official!  We have reached the mid-point of winter and the trusty groundhog for our area of  the world did not see his shadow and has therefore predicted an early Spring!  Happy Groundhog Day!!

    I completely understand why folks have made this into a day of celebration.  I think we all need a sense that Spring weather will soon be here - it helps us endure the last 6 weeks of Winter much better!  It gives us that "light at the end of the tunnel" feeling - always a welcome sense of hope when you're finding the grey-ness of Winter oppressive!

   So let's peruse our seed catalogues,  make plans for our gardens, and hold tight to the hope that, the Lord willing, Winter will soon give way to Spring and nature will again begin it's journey of growth and development, sprouting vibrant colours everywhere around us!!

    ♥ Cath-


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