Wednesday, 10 December 2014

One For Me, One for You...

Many, many, many years ago my Mom was baking
holidays cookies and treats well ahead of the winter holidays
and carefully boxing them and tucking them into the big chest freezer
in the basement so that she would have goodies on hand for drop-in guests,
holiday baskets for Aunts & Uncles, and for our family to enjoy too...

Mom felt proud of her use of time, baking on her days off and tucking it 
away into the freezer - the holidays were going to be a breeze!

The holidays drew near enough to begin preparing and delivering
baskets for relatives, so Mom went down to the freezer to collect 
from her supply, only to discover that someone had found her stash.

Apparently my brother had begun helping himself to "just one cookie" after 
school and on weekends for as many weeks as she had been tucking them away.

Needless to say, the abundance on which she had based her plans had 
dwindled to a scant few treats, crinkled wax paper, and several crumbs. 

Yep, that's the memory that came to mind as I worked on this latest piece...

 "One For Me, One For You..." 
(watercolour, approx. 5.5" x 9")  

May you be blessed with enough and to share!

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