Thursday, 1 January 2015

The Holidays Are Now Behind Us...

Whether you celebrate the holidays or not,
We have all anticipated a big upcoming event and it makes us feel
as though we are sitting at the top of a precipice and looking over...

It may not be quite a precipice, but rather the soft crest of a high hill...
Nonetheless, we sit there, atop our toboggans, and gaze toward the future.

We take a deep breath, our hearts filling with anticipation and maybe even a little dread,
as we plant our mitten covered hands into the snow at our sides and slowly begin to 
shift our toboggans toward the edge. We test our grip and the slippery capabilities 
of our ride by jutting the curved wooden front out into the clear cold air, freeing it for a moment
from the snowy stability of the hilltop peak and then slowly we draw it back under our control...

That's the feeling that comes in mid-fall, usually right after Halloween is past...
The anticipation of the winter holidays, the check-list of preparedness, the thrill of it all!!

We all become like kids at this stage - the dreams, the ideals, the hopes...

Then, even with all our preparing, hoping, and dreaming, 
suddenly the holiday season comes into full swing!

Before we realize it we are flying down the hill! 
We may have planned to take one final deep breath before beginning our descent, 
but instead it's as though we received a great strong  push from behind!

The wind is cold against your face -
Hang on! We're about to go over a huge bump!!

 - that's when you know that the thrill of the ride is secure in your heart!!

The holidays themselves can be chaotic and crazy 
- there will be bumps in the road -
poor weather, illness, lack of jollyness in general...

But that's what makes the holidays unique and different each year...
As much as we "prepare" for it, it's never the same from year to year.
 There will always be new 'bumps' that we can either swerve to avoid or curve to connect with...
It all comes down to perspective and gratitude.

Let your heart be filled with child-like wonder at the holidays!
Look around at the goodwill among strangers 
and the sparkle of the lights and let your heart say, "Woo-hooo!"
Embrace your family and friends - tightly!
Smile, love, be thankful for all that you have and all you can give!

And when all is said and done...
...expel a hearty laugh and proclaim, "Let's do it again!"

♥ Cath- 



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