Tuesday, 22 September 2015

"Leaf Leap"

The soft breezes that brought welcome respite in the Summer
now band together in the cooled air to create gusts...

The air turns crisp...

The gnarled limbs of apple trees
are heavy with ripened fruit...

The sunlight is simply delicious, bathing 
everything it touches in a luminous glow...

The brilliant foliage is transformed into stained glass...
...even the soft greens of late changing leaves look like
shards of peridot delicately suspended from narrowing limbs...

Walks out of doors are transformed with sights, sounds, and scents...
Kaleidoscope landscapes...
Crunching and scuffling leaves...
Wood fires warmly perfume the cold air...

{Insert contented sigh here}
I fall for Autumn every single year!   

...and so do these sweet li'l mice:

 "Leaf Leap"
(watercolour, approx. 6.5" x 6.5")

An ideal spot! A quick scramble up into a low bush, 
to the perfect branch that was spotted whilst on our walk...

One... Two... Three... 
Woo... hooo..... HOOOO!!! 

It's as though the toadstools grew here for this very purpose!!

As the puddle is to Spring, so the leaf pile is to Fall

The perfect day for a leaf leap!

Get out there and enjoy it!!
  ♥ Cath-

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